Call 0333 242 3660 (Recruitment Team) or 01244 434386 (Account support team) or request a callback
I joined The Business Connection Group… in September 2017 in our Stockport office as a Recruiter but quickly moved into an Administrator role, supporting the team from a different angle. Since then, I have moved to the Chester branch and now have a new challenge supporting both Vital People and TBC. Before recruitment, I worked in retail fitting children’s shoes, so coming from that to working for TBC has given me that opportunity to develop and learn new skills. I look forward to all opportunities that await me within the business.
What I love about my job… the satisfaction of being able to help candidates and my team where needed. Working for the business for a period of time, means I have in depth knowledge of admin and recruitment processes, compliance, payroll and online systems which enables me to help others. Working closely alongside the Account Managers means I have an insight into both the client handling, as well as the recruitment in the office. Alongside that having a friendly environment to work in with lovely people makes my job even more worthwhile.
When I’m not in the office… I spend my time going on long walks with my dog Mochi and partner, exploring new places and eating lots of takeaways! Before the madness of 2020, I spent lots of time at my Gran’s doing yoga, cooking and watching Murder Mysteries. I also love spending time with the rest of my family and making new memories with my friends (preferably with a wine in my hand!).
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